CECTE ILCE Maestría en Comunicación y Tecnologías educativas

10 de febrero de 2009



It is known among the warriors study martial’s a popular saying that says, first and foremost the great battle to be waged is against oneself, then to succeed in this struggle, any struggle of life will be easier. And it is the battle against personal injury to the human quality that we must fight to improve society as interactive, codependent and no effective by their position no effective understood as any medium or stimulus which affects for good or evil, the more challenging that we have to face harsh misunderstanding of self and other individuals and the lack of personal ethics or work.

The understanding of oneself, others and our environment completely, in addition to the planetary and humanistic ethics is the way to really develop as thinking beings and productive to the society in which we interact. Understanding the communication can be enhanced now that we have expanded the means and channels for communication must not allow these means we move even further away from what we are already in society, for the more, keeping in mind as mentioned Edgar, Morin, in publication “Los siete saberes necesarios para la educación del futuro”, that sometimes the in-depth knowledge about the harms people can nurture relationships and misunderstandings, misunderstanding destroys the relationship parents-children, husbands, wives, it spreads like a cancer on the rise everyday slander, assault, mental homicidiso 1
1 Edgar Morín, “Los siete saberes necesarios para la educación del futuro”, Correo de la UNESCO, 1999.
Communication should be a guarantee for quality to improve our moral and social understanding, but should strengthen each of the actions interacting with members of society, should improve the intellectual development and the quality of that communication, expressing a correct the real affects of consent, on the projected needs sympathy, openness of mind and honesty of thought.

There may be many problems that affect the understanding, for example, the plurality of meanings of words, the noise in the environment, the channel, the ignorance of terms and concepts, thoughts and sometimes backward thinking conservative or traditional even affect such diverse forms of thinking and designing things for humanity, such as egocentrism, ethnocentrism, socio, prejudices, fears, phobias internal, Etc.

As a final thought, sometimes do not understand the other because we understand ourselves, a blind man will not be able to guide another blind.


Ethics is the internal mechanism that we are self-regulated and standardize the actions and even the unconscious conscious and should be to improve the internal mental processes such as acceptance and understanding, it really is hard to be sympathetic to such injustice unjustifiable and unreasonable but the real challenge is to understand what that has to be incomprehensible and misunderstanding of others, tolerance and understanding are the basis of healthy living but in most cases there is reciprocity, it is important that we start fighting with this setback difficult conducting an introspection that helps us understand how we understand the other, we can change our perspective and way of thinking, for each of the important details or situations that happen and we change the way we understand and accept the other.

We need to maintain a healthy and honest thinking, open-minded to be able to live a productive, think of others as part of ourselves, I even think about other people as ourselves, with an open mind to understand that no We can understand, whether strangers, friends, colleagues or people apparently unsympathetic.

We need to respect and understand when you reach agreements that are not our consensus but most were able, using different ideas, though not own, then it's good to have intellectual and moral solidarity, relearning all the time.

In order to enforce democracy, perform a global mental reform.


Are so many sayings about the proper behavior of human beings, but few directly address the humanity of people like quality and is redundant to say that the human each day should be more human, humane, or humanist. Andalusia ethics-human used to enhance the humanity of mankind, the strengthening of the correct personal conscience, have ethical understanding, solidarity and humanism, shall be humbled a global civic culture appropriate for the healthy human development.

The consensus in decision-making needs of democracy, diversity and antagonism, ideas and opinions; competition democracy is elusive and very vulnerable, what is important, not only to achieve but to maintain it.

One of the current problems and future of democracy as mentioned Edgar Morin, in his publication, "Seven for the education of the future," is that it is based because the involvement of ideas and opinions is limited to technical knowledge. Today and in the following years will be increasingly difficult seas appear to have knowledge that scientists and experts with knowledge of technological issues and will be even more difficult the participation of all involved in any technical situation.

In conclusion, the true humanity of consciousness will lead to improved social welfare.


I agree with Edgar, Morin, where one of the most serious academic offenses is plagiarism of ideas, ideas that is used verbatim from other authors and make our move as sometimes occurs in this consent form but in others is present without the author realizes it is committing a great fault and to be making the relevant appointments.

I confirm from personal experience that the most sensitive issue is that crime does not make this school only students, but has presented the case and even teachers or researchers in producing publications on the Internet, perhaps the biggest mistake of the professors is realize that the plagiarism committed by students teachers only call attention ordain or lowering the rate in the assessments but we ought to understand the magnitude of the crime. Here also is present honesty and intellectual honesty in academic work.

I agree with what was stated Rojas Soriano, Raúl, in its publication “Formación de investigadores educativos”,"Training of educational researchers”, that is a good strategy for him to comment is to tell our students that refer to the author as follows, expressing the similarity of ideas stating that we agree or agree with the researcher.

Moreover, when we went to producing publications, and not just as consumers must take care in this sensitive type of offense even more, we do not want to take risks that generate the ideas that plagiarism is advisable to record productions in la Dirección General de Derechos de Autor de la S.E.P.